Collection: SuperMI


The inspiration behind #supermiapparel #summer my daughter and others like her, I experienced and seen pain but I have witnessed so many #miracles #strength and #love this is life and Special individuals like Summer are fighting not to be alive but to be able to live it!! Every day I wake up and feel so lucky to be part of her life.



Has been created by a mother who is the caretaker of her daughter (Facebook Page Summer Levantate) who is a car accident survivor (she was 18) and now is a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Warrior. Summer’s condition does NOT define her, she is way more than that and she is in a journey of becoming every step of the way a stronger, better version of herself. This is the same for all of us that are going through or have being through different situations in life you learn, overcome and become a “SuperMÌ” a better version of YOU!
*Every earning from a Purchase of a SuperMÌ shirt will be divided as follow: 34% for Summer’s therapies or needs, 33% to donate towards the purchase of adaptive wheelchairs we will have them as loaners for individuals like Summer that cannot propel themselves to be able to participate in sports/races like Summer does with me & 33% to grow the line.
Since 2021 Summer and I started doing races together to promote Drive Safe Awareness & Inclusion.  Ever since Summer started doing races her progress has catapulted, it has been impressive to watch her improvement physically and neurologically.   When a special needs individual is included in sports it gives them a since of belonging, they become part of the sports community and every finish line empowers them to want more, achive more.  They are not just alive they are LIVING their lives!

Fue creada por una madre que cuida a su hija, que es sobreviviente de un accidente automovilístico (ella tenía 18 años) y ahora es una Guerrera de Lesiones Cerebrales Traumáticas Graves. La condición de Summer NO la define, ella es mucho más que eso y está en una travesía de convertirse en cada paso del camino en una versión más fuerte y mejor de sí misma. Esto es lo mismo para todos los que estamos pasando o que hemos pasado por diferentes situaciones en la vida de las cuales aprendes, superas y te conviertes en "SuperMÌ", ¡una mejor versión de TI!

*Cada ganancia de la compra de una camisa de SuperMÌ será dividida de la siguiente manera: 34% para las terapias o necesidades de Summer, 33% para donar hacia las terapias o cuidado de pacientes TBI, 33% para crecer la línea.
Cada ganancia por la compra de una camiseta SuperMÌ se dividirá de la siguiente manera: 
34 % para las terapias o necesidades de Summer, 33 % para donar para la compra de sillas de ruedas adaptada,
las tendremos para prestarlas a personas como Summer que no pueden impulsarse por si mismas
para que puedan participar en deportes/carreras como lo hacemos Summer y yo & 33% para hacer
crecer la línea SuperMÌ.
Desde 2021, Summer y yo comenzamos a hacer carreras juntos para promover la conciencia
de Manejar con Segurida y de Inclusion de seres especiales en las carreras deportivas.
Desde que Summer empezó a correr su progreso se ha catapultado, ha sido impresionante
ver su mejoria física y neurológica. Cuando una persona con necesidades especiales se incluye
en los deportes, le da un sentido de pertenencia, se convierte en parte de la comunidad deportiva y
cada meta le permite querer más, lograr más. ¡No sólo están vivos sino que VIVEN sus vidas!

Note from Liz (Mother/Caretaker) for me as a mother, as a caretaker this has been the hardest experience in my life. Every person has a reason behind the madness and that is the way you react to circumstances in life. I have been through many things which have forged me to “be strong” *based on what people tell me* but in this case Summer and others like her have thought me that my strength is nothing compared to them. I am inspired every day by the determination and fierceness in people that are going through so much, they hold on to life and like I’ve always said “they ‘just don’t want to be alive BUT actually want to LIVE their life”. With all the pain that I have been through since Summer’s accident it is minimal equated to all the love and beauty that we have seen and received. This line is our way of giving back. I am so grateful for everyone that has prayed, donated, hugged, sent goods, helped in some way and many more things that words cannot really describe. Thank you Liz.